Domain Names Containing Keywords are Good for SEO?

Choosing a domain name is often a consideration when you want to create a website. On the one hand, there are considerations of the element of ease to remember, on the other hand there are those who choose a domain name that contains certain keywords even though it does not match the brand name. Then is it true that a domain name that contains keywords is good for SEO?

The short answer is no. Domain names containing targeted keywords have no effect on SEO. This was conveyed by Aldrich at the Google for Publisher event in 2017. It’s just that it has already become a myth that is believed by many people.

Like Names In Humans

Domain names are the same as names given to humans. Often the name that a person bears does not show his true character. For example, there is a person whose name is Suja’i taken from the Arabic language which means brave, but in fact he is very timid.

Whether or not someone is famous in society is often not because of his name but because of his behavior. So does the website. It may be that the domain name is not clear but the website content that is shared is very useful so it will get a good score from the search engines. On the other hand, the domain name according to the targeted keywords but the published content is inadequate, so it may not be of great interest to search engines.

SEO Has Many Factors

Website optimization for SEO does not refer to a single factor but many factors that need to be considered. Content quality, website access speed, backlinks, and other factors are interrelated with each other. So that the domain name is not the main thing in its affairs related to SEO.

Let’s say the domain name is not necessarily on the first page of Google search results if someone searches for it using the word “website development services”. Because once again, if a good domain name is not supported by other good SEO factors, it will not compete with competitors.

Use a Domain Name According to the Brand

Aldrich at the GFP event advised webmasters to use a domain name according to the brand they are running. Search engine algorithms are changing all the time. If someone forces themselves to target certain keywords using the main website it will be a waste of time. Especially if the webmaster ignores the brand he is running.

The advantage of using a domain name according to a brand is that it makes it easier for someone to find or find us through the brand name. Through the brand, we can target keywords to market the product. That way, we can be found in two ways, namely through targeted keywords and through brand names.

But it all goes back to each webmaster whether they aim to use SEO to develop a brand or for other purposes.